Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Plan C, and a busy bee

hi all how are we? gosh im tired ive been so busy this morning..
the plan was to do hot yoga today but  woke up with a headache and then decided maybe i wasnt up to driving that far (40mins) so i decided to hydrate as much as possible and take a yoga class at the gym.
Plan B failed when i realised that i wasnt going to make it in time...
Its my mums birthday today and i had to go into the shop i work at to get the present she wanted then i lost track of time at the shopping center buying things i cant afford for myself  the last of the christmas presents for my friends, cards and wrapping paper and groceries. came  home a proceeded to make strawberry tarts, they are my mums favorite and as my nanna always makes the best sponge cake i thought i would make these instead.

I'll post the recepe tomz so keep posted :)
they were really yummy and all my family loved them :)

i ran around like a chook with my head cut off all morning and felt horrible,..just completely drained of energy. I think its the weather here going from so cold to so hot so rapidly.
At the shops i just couldnt resist when i saw these, they were so cheap for workout gear
i love the fabric of this top is really breathable and doesnt show how much i sweat as much as the cotton ones, plus i thought it sort of looked lululemon...ish and its the closest to what i can afford right now. Lululemon i love you oneday when im not a poor student i will live in you (that sounds sorta creepy right?! well you know what i mean)

i need shorts for running and gym, leggings are getting really hot at the moment

could not rest this baby at half price... i have its twin sister in peach and i have worn it to death at bikram so i thought id change it up...for $11 you cant go wrong :)

Did 40mins of strength training at gym then dashed to work. I have started doing more weights in the male dominated section of the gym and i have to say its alittle any of you ladies find that? i get the feeling the im the lone girl trespassing into the male dominated part of the gym and they look at me like they are suprised or confused to why i there,... HEY GIRLS LIFT WEIGHTS TOO YOU KNOW :)


  1. I was gonna tell u about Lululemon theres even one in whistlers, :)

  2. i love it, i think im gonna hav to try and get a job in there melbourne store ;)
