Sunday, December 26, 2010

Spoilt Overfed and Jolly

Hi everyone how was your christmas? mine was fabulous! it involved lots of family and lots of eating..yummy and not necessary healthy foods, but i really enjoyed it this year..
christmas in my family starts off with christmas eve celebrations on my dads side where we have our big fiesta then on christmas day we have lunch with my mums family and on christmas night we have dinner with my dads side again..lots of fun but i was very over fed by the end of it :)

i was also very spoilt here are some of the presents i got
six yummy teas and a book of tea jokes and random facts from my best man friend brenton..thankyou love it

mini teapot and matching cup from my best friend natalie (can you tell me friends like i love tea...i really do!) plus a cute broach and bracelette that i am wearing and am not taking off to show you..sorry...thanks nat x

key ring from my boss at the boutique i work at

fit ball from my aunty who was my kk thanks aunty sue! and a gift card which i will def use while not being able to make it to the gym when im at the beach house :)

a coach makeup bag!!!!! from my other aunty who was my k.k. thankyou tita carmen :)
she also gave me some estee lauder makeup along with my parents...

i love my presents thankyou family!!
i also got some cashola to keep me out of trouble..a bottle of mixed martini to get me in trouble and an ipod doc thankyou :)

readers question..what did you get for christmas?

1 comment:

  1. I love you gifts!! I got a coach makeup bag too!! <3 Glad you had such a great Christmas! Jen from
