Friday, December 10, 2010

Tis the season

Hi friends... how are we all today?

  • on a complete side note to todays post i have to tell you all on my absolute delight at growing regular readers i have from all over the world...hi russia... hello canada...hi america.. how ya doing south africa..giday italy, hi there england...ok im sorry i cant continue to name you all... but i deeply appricate it, cheers guys.. im doing my very best to make my blog as reader friendly and interesting as possible, it you have any suggestions please email me or comment below.. also i love to hear from you :)
Ive been a busy bee as of late.. (i know what your thinking whats new?!) but i feel it all catching up to me..
still fighting the battle of the sore throat..i refuse to get sick, im eating my superfoods and gargling salt water.. You see its just a busy time year (like you didnt already know) i have four christmas/birthday celebrations in a row!
it all started last night with my lovely friends birthday.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIAN!

We went to a caberet resterant for dinner it was so much pictures allowed sorry guys.. then afterwards we went to a club..where it was gay night and danced our souls was so much fun..
in efforts to not get sicker i decided to be the driver and have an alcahol free night after all i do have a jam packed weekend.

Tonight i have my christmas party for the shop i work at.. where are also going out for dinner and drinks (another alachol free night for me). On saturday night i have my lovely friend Jodie's 21st birthday drinks (i may have a few wines just because it is a Saturday ) and on sunday night its the coles christmas dinner, where we are going to taco bill to have many margaritas thats for sure ;)
tuesday i have my old stores christmas party... which i have been invited too, im super excited because i cant wait to catch up with all those peeps and on thursday i have another date (>insert nervous face here<)
So as you can tell i have a hetic week ..and lots of opportunities to eat and drink..
In my best efforts to find balance this week here are a few tips ill be following
  • its not necessary that i drink alachol at every event
  • try my very best to exercise every day (its harder this time of year ..i know )
  • focus on the company im with not the food!
  • eat what i feel like but be sensible...if i want gonna have it! but maybe share it with a friend or only eat half
  • and lastly im going to be kind to myself...becuase stressing over food is not worth it, it just makes you unhappy and causes you to isolate yourself from friends and fun times (in my case anyway). Tis the season to be jolly and this year im going to embrace it and prove to myself i can get through it unscaved and happy..

Readers question what are your tips to not over doing it this holidays?

in my effort to find balance im off to kick my butt at the gym, because im dying for a super sweating workout..have a fun day :)

1 comment:

  1. to not got too overboard on the dips and crackers and sundried tomatos and olives and cheese and nom nom nom nommmmmmm all the yummy stuff that seems to be out around this time of year, especially at family lunches, i get a little plate for myself and fill it up. and no more seconds that way u know how much ur having not just scoffing ur face hand after hand :P
