Sunday, February 27, 2011

hello..hope you are all well..
i mentioned in yesterdays post im trying to build a collection of aussie bloggers to help create a community between us and allow us to support each other keep those recommendations in please!!

Those who follow closely may know that i was due to run a race today a big one 15km! it didnt happen, fitness wise i felt as though i had to start again from scratch after a sloppy and work filled jan, i knew there wouldnt be enough time to train for a 15km in 3 weeks so i decided 10km was more doable.. I didnt run the race, it was raining when i woke up and i hadnt paid yet so i decided to give it a miss. I created my own race during the day... AND I WON!! lol 1hour and 3mins...not bad considering but not my best...i have signed up for a 14km race in April so thats the next goal.
(first and only time i think i will actually win lol)

i spent the rest of the day cleaning my room, throwing away shoes (yes i did...i was hard..but there comes a time in all shoes life know) and getting ready for uni.
Im really excited to start uni, i have a jam packed week, im training monday to thursday at my new job and working at the shop on friday and saturday..

So theres my week on paper..without classes and online tafe tutorials and workouts! Im going to be very good with my workouts this week, i have to get back to sweating 6 times a week becuase i honestly believe i am the best me when i know what i mean?! i have more sanity i think..

i ate nothing exciting today
breakfast, weetbix and skim milk and a pot of green tea,

pre run lunch was a ham and salad roll

post run snack, banana, blueberry and skim milk smoothie
dinner was broccoli pasta..simple and yum..
my day was a bit carb heavy today but my weekends usally are and then they are balanced out my my lighter week days
anyway folks im off to bed..first day at uni tomz and im training for the new job in the afternoon and then a quick gym session in the evening
see you all tomorrow :)


  1. Here are a couple more Aussie blogs I could think of off the top of my head :)
