Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ive got news for you legs!.

Hi friends hope your day is brilliant mine has been a little bit of a rush..
 i had my job interview at lulu today and they were impressed with my poster and my ideas for the store..she did seem a little worried about my work load and uni fingers crossed that isnt the decider of whether i get the job or not...because i did my best to assure her its so excited i really hope i get it..
there were 8 girls chosen out of many for the group interview and they are currently considering 3 girls (me being one of them) for a part time position... so i guess i have done all i can and now i just have to wait.
fingers and toes crosses though..

i did some yoga today off a video i got from my brother for my birthday, it was suprising good and fast moving it was.. yoga=happy natalie :)
also enjoyed a nice run today..5km, i only stopped once. It appears i broke up with running for 2.5 weeks and my legs have forgotten how to do it, or lost of the 2! Thats not going to help me achieve my goal of running a half marathon or do the 14.5km i have planned in april. SO IVE GOT NEWS FOR YOU LEGS!! YOUR GOING TO RUN.. and im going to start from the beginning at teach myself how to run all over again, secretly i just think im a big sook who doesnt like it when it hurts..
sorry for that moment of crazy

So i have managed to borrow my mums camera, so ill give you a peep of the project i was working on to show the lulu staff.. BTW: turns out they already have a water fountain, but they were very impressed andput in on the wall (lol i feel 5 years old), so hopefully this made me stand out of the crowd a little.

Some background knowledge on this, they asked me to think about an idea i would implement into the store and why.

so...there. it was alot of fun to make i didnt want to re-print it on this blog because i have already done a post of water awhile go..check it out here. The girl who interviewed me was suprised..i hope in a good way!

i also filled my day making bananna muffins, as we had a few over ripe ones hanging around here. i hate banannas but i can eat them in cakes muffins (FYI: muffins are cakes dont fool yourself!)  trust me to like them when they are unhealthified (yes that is a word).
they were delish, much better than a packet mix..obviously. The recipe i used was simple and quick! You should give it a try! I used this recipe.

ok folks thats all from me tonight..please everyone pray for my lulu job!! :) pretty please


  1. It is my DREAM to work at lulu! Good Luck!

  2. its my dream too..arghhh im so dam nervous
