Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bikram is back baby!

hi friends, happy wednesday!! i hope you have had a lovely one.. i certainly have,

i woke up extra early today to catch up with my lovely friend jess for breakfast this morning. Very nice to see her and catch up with all the goss ect.. then i made my way to uni to spend the morning working on a presentation with a nice group of people...this opposed to the other group experiance i had the last week restored my faith in the fact that strangers are lovely too and maybe it was more a reflection on them and how they were feeling at the time which brought out such negative awful behavoiur.

 I then spent the whole afternoon working on my pre class work for my first aid certificate, which i am going to take on friday. Its going to be a full on day 9-4 of training, but im keen to get it becuase its really a handy thing to have ya know??

The highlight of the day...with out a doubt was Bikram yoga tonight.. Confession: i havnt been back since December last year...gasp! i know.. anyway there wasnt a more appropriate time to go back than tonight, given my back and leg issues and that i was taking 4 new people to try the class :) Yes i brought the beautiful Jamie and her house mates and they all did extreamly well and are keen to go back next week... having friends going keeps you you find that?

anway kids im off to snooze tomorrow is going to be a huge HUGE day followed by a Big night and an early morning so forgive me if im late xoxo

Wanna come to yoga with me? the more the merrier and i swear it will change your life..
(i dont get paid to endorse this ..i genuinely love it)
i go to bikram yoga in fitzroy melbourne..the instructors are wonderful and the classes always has amazing energy


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