Dukan Diet let’s you “eat whatever you want” - as long as what you want is protein. The diet regime consists of four phases: Attack, Weight Loss, Stabilization, and Cruise.
Attack Phase: Eat only very lean veal, beef, chicken and turkey (white meat, no skin), fish and shellfish, eggs, fat-free dairy products, and lots of water. The phase should not exceed 10 days.
Weight Loss Phase: In 5 days cycles, alternate consecutive days of eating protein along with non-starchy vegetables and eating only protein (again) until you reach your goal weight. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Do not use butter or oil.
Stabilization Phase: Eat one serving of fruit, two slices of whole wheat bread and 1.5 ounces of cheese per day. Twice a week, eat two 5-ounce servings of starch and all of the usual proteins - as well as pork and lamb – without butter and oil. Twice a week, eat two unrestricted meals with wine and dessert, followed by a day of only protein. Do this for the number of days that equals 4 days for every half pound lost.
Cruise Phase: Eat whatever you want with one day a week of only protein (sigh). Dr. Dukan thinks Thursday is a good day for protein. source
Made famous by this newlywed royal..there are several things about this diet that scream to me SCARY FAD DIET!!!
Kate is naturally a thin girl, yes no one is denying that...but now she is a role model and the fact that she is going on scary diets like this honestly sets a bad example to all the people that really look up to her...Please dont get me wrong im not Kate bashing i love her and no body was more excited about the royal wedding than me.
Im not by all means a dietitian or a health professional but cutting out major food groups out of your diets just seems odd and extreamly unhealthy to me. Cutting out vegetables and fruits for a whole week or longer means your missing out on vital nutritents.
The great fall in weight in the initial week of a low carb diet plan is because a low carb diet depletes healthy glycogen, which results in dehydration of the body. With a low carb diet plan a dieter does not decrease any actual weight. Weight loss is rapid but dodging. A dieter may feel weak or uncomfortable while moving as a result of the depletion of glycogen. This also fails to mention the constipation, mood swings, and various vitamin deficencies.
what happend to normal healthy eating? moderation and exercise? everyone is looking for a quick fix and perhaps its been under our noses the whole time..
i suppose everyone is allowed to have their own opionions.. i used to diet alot, be very very unhealthy and extreamly thin, i ate nothing, i wasnt happy ..i was sick.. so im really wary of diets at are really restrictive..its important to nourish your body ..its a machine it needs fuel to work. i suppose i know that 'diets' arnt for me as im probably more prone to taking it to an extream.
i know a few lovely ladies in the bloggy world who are giving it ago...and im certainly interested in hearing how they found it, or if you have tried it let me know!
readers question
what do you all think?
i think honestly it sounds quite dangerous..have you tried it? let me know
I'm sure you would lose weight on this diet, but it doesn't sound particularly healthy! Plus I'm not sure where you would get energy for exercise! I can't imagine trying a long run without any carbs, yikes!