Friday, July 1, 2011


Hi friends!
What a week! ...where do i start?
I had my final exam this week...horray finally they are over for another looking forward to a rest from the uni work... as i desperately need to catch up on my PT course work which i have let slip for the past two months...ooops! No rest for the wicked i suppose...i do love it!

The highlight for this week has most certainly been Wednesday night..All lululemons from melbourne were invited to attend a body attack class at fitness first in Richmond.. Our instructors Ana and Nate are both fitness ambassadors for the chadstone store and they did a fantastic job at making us work hard for an hour an a half....yes you read hour and a half of body attack! The energy in the room was amazing and everyone was dripping with sweat with in the first 20mins! it was a fantastic bonding experiance for all the stores...
i had never taken a body attack class before but i love it! Although i hope my physio isnt reading as he will be quite mad at me...body attack isnt good for my back at the moment (yes im still injured) so you could imagine together with muscle soreness i was in a world of pain the next day.

 Another highlight is i am starting to run again..yes i am getting teary as i write this..this is huge for me! I have been missing running like i never thought i would..but this time away from it has taught me alot about my body, importance of core strength and non impact exercise. So id love to say im out there smashing my usal 8km but no...not yet at least. Im running 2-3 kms at the moment, as i have to ease into it and build my body back up to it, as if i went straight back i dont have the muscle suport to keep me from becoming more injured and going back to the start of rehab again..


anyway slowly but surely i will run my half marathon! and eventually i will be able to run a marathon and achieve my dream of being able to call myself a marathoner!

Ive been making friends with swimming...its quiet and allows me to think. I am making the commitment to myself to swim once a week.
 I also have let my bikram practice fall by the waist side.. its not all bad though..part of my job is to attend yoga and fitness classes in my community and unfortunately there isnt a bikram  studio yet, so all my time has been spent discovering new yoga and fitness studios. I am very excited about this, but i will also make time to practice bikram this comming week and i do believe you should always make time for things that you love.

Thought for the day:
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. 
~Henry Ford

1 comment:

  1. hi natalie. i know what you mean about trying out low impact exercises. I'd been training to run the 1/2 marathon for run melbourne this month, but an 'almost stress fracture' stopped me in my training tracks! So i stopped running 7 weeks ago and got onto low impact exercises - spin class, gym, body balance and the eliptical machine! my body and leg muscles feel so much stronger! :)
