Monday, February 21, 2011

another day another interview..

Hi there, thanks for coming back... or welcome if your new!
You may or may have not known that i am in the process of looking for a job, lately it just seems that i have been from interview to interview well maybe im exagerating a tiny bit but i had an interview today and i also have one for tomorrow.
You know when you go for a job interview and you know that they dont like you. Thats just me being negative, but i dont think im the right person for the job and they werent overly impressed...ill just put it down to experiance...
eh the more im thinking about it i should just take on more hours at the shop.. but im just waiting for someone to shout out YOUR HIRED!
 There are positives to taking on more hours at the shop
  • the pay is good
  • its close to my house and uni and the gym
  • free parking
  • it is a realitvely easy job'
im beginning to think that i should just work there is this year in an effort to simplify my life a little since i have amped up the study and workout thing...maybe adding another stress to my life is unnecessary at the moment

Anyway enough of my pondering my life, on another topic i got the text books for my personal training course in the mail today yeyeye!! Im so excited..
I was suposed to have my first boot camp class but our teacher peter didnt show up :( apparently there was some confusion with the times...oh well when life gives you lemons..what do you do?

if my boot camp instructor peter was there he would have been making me run, and if he knew how behind in my running shedual i was he would yell at me then kick my butt! So i hopped on the old enemy the dreadmill and did a fast 5km...for me fast is 30miin 45seconds.. my usal time is about 34mins on the tredmill. It went pretty quick and i felt really good running so maybe that means our relationship is on the mend? maybe?! I finished off my quick workout with an upper body weights session. Didnt have time to go any longer becuase i promised mum id be home for dinner and i have netball later on tonight.

Random fact of the day: Carrots are offically Australias favourite fresh vegetable with 68% of households buying them weekly. 66% potatoes and 56% onions...number one is pretty dam healthy well done ausies!

Carrots are an excellent source of antioxidant compounds, and the richest vegetable source of the pro-vitamin A carotenes. Carrots' antioxidant compounds help protect against cardiovascular disease and cancer and also promote good vision, especially night vision.
source: womens health magazine.

Tomorrow i finally have my appointement to get my iphone fixed at apple aka get them to realise that its broken beyond fixing and i can just buy another one. This means the retern of my pictures to my blog and also the retern of my running navigation...THANK GOD!

readers question: what vegetable do you buy weekly in your house? Any tips for conquering the dredmill? any haters turned lovers out there?

anyway lovelies im off to netball so ill see all of you tomorrow, where ill tell you all about my job interview and my day my back to back classes im gonna take.. see ya x

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